The key priority of the State Securities Commission (SSC) in the future is to cultivate the institutional investor ecosystem, encouraging long-term foreign investment.
It will increase its charter capital from over VNĐ35.2 trillion to VNĐ70.45 trillion (US$2.8 billion) through a bonus share issuance from retained earnings.
According to HAGL, VNĐ1.3 trillion can be raised and used to partially or fully repay the principal and interest for HAGL''s obligations on previous bonds and the group''s debt restructuring.
The State Securities Commission (SSC) has fined many individuals and organisations for administrative violations of illegal selling and securities manipulation.
The State Securities Commission (SSC) advises investors to check and compare information before trading or investing according to information on websites or accounts on social networks.
Two auditing firms were graded “Good” by the State Securities Commission (SSC) regarding the quality of their services in 2019, while eight others were deemed “Acceptable”.
While investors tend to withdraw capital from emerging markets and frontier markets, Viet Nam is still the destination of foreign investors with foreign indirect investment (FII) in the first half of 2019 reaching US$1.28 billion.
Food producer KIDO Group has raised its foreign ownership cap from 49 per cent to 100 per cent, according to a proposal approved by the State Securities Commission on Wednesday.
The State Securities Commission (SSC) and the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) on Monday signed a project agreement to improve the quality, transparency and equality of the Vietnamese stock market.
The State Securities Commission (SSC) will enhance the quality of securities firms by shutting down and revoking licences of financially-weak companies to ensure the sector is healthy.
The State Securities Commission (SSC) has required relevant companies and funds not to engage in any issuance, transaction or brokerage activities related to cryptocurrencies.